She's not in satin tights, but still fights for your rights.
It's no longer limited to characters who appeared on the show.
Will the figure come home with you, or stay far from it?
"Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them."
It's ironic that the most normal-looking of the bunch finally became the first to get a figure.
It's odd to think that the xenomorph queen almost wasn't a thing.
The set of two runs $120; preorder now to get them in March.
Includes LEGO Jack Nicholson!
No word on any build-a-figure yet.
Toys have come a long way since 1979, but in some ways, it's been a full circle.
Are you ready to relive the Age of Apocalypse in toy form?
New 6-inch reinforcement reveals help to begin your own Clone Wars.
Even for non He-fans, this is basically a toy of the Grim Reaper on steroids.
Mezco is giving the Inhumans' Black Bolt and Lockjaw the One:12 Collective treatment.
Rhodey in this armor totally looks like a character from the world of Tron.
For $120 here, collectors get both a full-sized figure and an even larger creature to ride.
The last of NECA's brief, loophole-exploiting DC superhero sets also becomes its most elaborate
And nobody has to subliminally suggest we buy them.
What waves do you think Spy Master and Bucky will show up in?
Hasbro likes to have new things to announce at every major con they attend.