“In the comic books of old, he had this suit on that made him look like a rhinoceros, and it made him super strong,” he said in an interview with The Toronto Sun. “If there was a bank vault he would just run right through it. Butt through it with his head. And he was not very smart.”
He went on to tease that he plays “One of several bad guys in the movie.” Though the official announcements for the film have confirmed Rhino and Electro as antagonists, Giamatti talks as if there are more. Will we see The Green Goblin, or perhaps The Gentleman, on the big screen? Sound off with your thoughts below!
Swinging into theaters on May 2, 2014, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan, Colm Feore, Paul Giamatti, Sally Field, Chris Cooper, B.J. Novak and Sarah Gadon.