James McAvoy Says Days of Future Past is Potentially ‘Most Epic X-Men’ Movie Yet

Warning: Some potential spoilers for X-Men: Days of Future Past…

“There’s an army of brilliant actors in that film,” he said in an interview with IGN. “Bryan Singer is back at the helm. Potentially it’s going to be the biggest, most epic X-Men they’ve ever had. I think it’s the second biggest production Fox have ever embarked upon, behind Avatar. So they’re definitely going for it.”

McAvoy also spoke about working with the cast, including a scene he shares with Patrick Stewart as the older Charles Xavier.

“His last day was my first day and that was it. Then we were done. But we did crossover and we do get a scene together. Getting to work with Hugh [Jackman] – who I christened Hugo Boss – was great….Getting to work with Michael [Fassbender] again was great. I spent a hell of a lot of time with Nick [Nicholas Hoult]. Weirdly the people that I spent the most time with acting-wise was not Michael this time, it was Hugh and Nick. And whilst I bemoaned the loss of my buddy Michael, it was more than made up for by the fact that Hugh and Nick are such amazing people.”

X-Men: Days of Future Past will land in theaters on May 23, 2014.
