Superhero Hype! was just sent the following, and while we won’t be around ourselves to hear it, be sure to check it out at
Harvey Dent is committed to truth and honesty in governing. He is also committed to truth and honesty in campaigning. And the honest truth is that we’ve had a tough week.
Everyone who knows Harvey Dent knows that the vicious smears by a mysterious group calling itself “Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham” are not true. Harvey Dent is innocent of these charges, and the truth will triumph.
Harvey Dent believes that the movement to take back Gotham is bigger than one person. It’s never been about Harvey Dent. It’s about our hopes for our city. It’s about you.
Harvey Dent has always said that if he becomes a distraction from the bigger issues of the movement to fight crime and corruption, he’ll make the best decision for the movement itself.
We’ve done a lot in the last few months. We’ve shown the city that we will not stop fighting against the dark forces that have Gotham in their grasp. We showed everyone that we do have power. That there is hope for Gotham City.
The I Believe in Harvey Dent campaign will be holding a press conference today at 3:00 pm (EDT). The audio will be streaming live at Whatever Harvey Dent says, I know one thing – I’m proud of him. And I’m proud of all of you.
I still believe in Harvey Dent. Do you?
Allan Cypes
Media Manager, Dent for DA
Speaking of the campaign’s website, it has updated as well with the following announcement:
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Harvey Dent for DA campaign is temporarily moving out of its campaign headquarters. As of today, the Headquarters will be situated in the guest house behind the house of Allan Cypes, the media manager for the campaign. We are still committed to electing Harvey Dent and taking back Gotham from the forces of darkness, crime, and corruption.
UPDATE: The press conference was cancelled due to a hostage situation. From the campaign site:
Today’s press conference was unexpectedly cancelled due to a hostage crisis located at a nearby deli. In a selfless move, Mr. Dent entered the premises, exchanged himself for a woman who was being held at gunpoint, and negotiated the successful release of the remaining patrons in the restaurant. Watch this site for updates. We will release more details when they become available.
Click here to download the raw audio captured from the crisis.
Source: Superhero Hype!