Natalie Portman in Kavalier & Clay?

Michael Chabon, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his book The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, has posted news on the big screen adaptation on his official Blog:

The fate of this project–whether it will move at last from the nebulousness of pre-pre-production into really-truly pre-production, with a budget and cast and everything, will be decided on or around 12 July 2006. Miss Natalie Portman is a strong likelihood for the part of Rosa; other casting is ongoing, as are work on the script (a lot of cutting) and tests conducted by a number of top-drawer animation studios (for the comic book elements). Quick answers (as of this date): Golem: yes. Antarctica: yes. Gay love story: yes. Ruins of World’s Fair: no. Long Island: no. Orson Welles: no. Salvador Dali: yes. Loving reference to Betty and Veronica: no. Stan Lee: no.

Stephen Daldry is attached to direct the film, about two young cousins who create a comic book superhero named The Escapist. The boys help usher in the golden age of comics, and through the years, The Escapist encounters adversaries similar to real-life figures.

Source: Michael Chabon
