Empire Online just confirmed what we were thinking, that the Hulk will just be a different shade of green and not a completely different color, such as gray. Producer Avi Arad cleared up his comments from Friday:
“It was a joke!” laughs Arad, in town to talk up Spider-Man 3, which opens on May 4. “Here’s what it was. There were 30 people around a table, and they said ‘is there going to be a grey Hulk?’ And I was thinking about it and I said, ‘who knows?’ It was one of those moments. I had just got back from Japan and I was trying to talk about Spider-Man and this guy was pushing me on The Hulk so I thought I’ll be coy. I don’t know what colour it is, and all of a sudden it’s headline news.”
But Arad did mention a new colour – so will the eponymous star of Louis Letterier’s movie, due out in 2008, still be green? Or orange? Or pink with yellow stripes?
“It’s a different shade of green,” confirms Arad. “But the colour is not like the old Hulk. And no, there’s no grey Hulk.”
Arad goes on to mention that we’ll learn who is playing Bettie in a matter of days.
Source: Advanced Dark