X-Men: First Class Eyeing Shoot at Albany Civic Center

The Albany Herald reports that the producers of X-Men: First Class have contacted Albany, Georgia city officials about filming at the Albany Civic Center. The article says…

With officials already on the Georgia coast, site coordinators have contacted the city about renting the facility for the month of December, Assistant City Manager Wes Smith said.

There are conflicts with existing events that have already booked the Civic Center for events in December, such as Albany State University’s Winter Commencement, which could hamper the studio’s ability to use the facility.

“The city has been contacted for possible use of the Civic Center as part of current filming. At this time, existing event contracts in the arena for early December preclude them coming in as initially requested, but I have offered them an alternative set of dates and have not heard back from them,” Smith said Monday.

X-Men: First Class hits theaters on June 3, 2011.
