The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Aaron Jeffery (“McLeod’s Daughters”) may be up for a role in Hugh Jackman’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine:
In recent weeks Jackman has been spotted approaching would-be stars and offering them the chance to audition for roles in the flick, which is said to be a prequel that delves deep into the early years of Jackman’s hirsute Wolverine character who, by all accounts, is the sexiest mutant on the big screen.
One such opportunity has gone to the former McCleod’s Daughters “hunk” Aaron Jeffery, who has already gone through one screen test to play Jackman’s brother in the film. Jackman and Jeffrey – similarly tall, dark and handsome – have had regular catch-ups on Bondi, where Jeffery is regularly spotted with his girlfriend, another actor with considerable success in Hollywood, Peta Wilson.
The official word from Seed Productions is that not all the casting has been finalized and the company declined to shed any light on Jeffery’s situation specifically. However, if he lands the role, it could propel his career into the Hollywood major league.
“Wolverine” is set to hit theaters on May 1, 2009.
Source: The Sydney Morning Herald