Transformers Premiere to be Shown at L.A. Film Fest

Microspace Communications Corporation (Microspace) today announced that it will deliver the North American premiere of DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures’ release of Transformers to the L.A. Film Festival on June 27, 2007.

The exclusive pre-release screening of Transformers will represent the first time a motion picture has been delivered via satellite to the L.A. Film Festival. The distribution will be one of the largest film premieres in history and will be screened simultaneously to thousands of viewers.

“Digital delivery is a key element in the change to digital cinema,” said Jim Tharp, president, domestic distribution for Paramount Pictures. “We are so pleased to partner with Microspace for satellite delivery of ‘Transformers’ at the L.A. Film Festival.”

“Satellite delivery of motion pictures continues to gain significant traction among studios and exhibitors as return-on-investment is realized,” said Curt Tilly, manager of digital cinema distribution at Microspace. “The quality and reliability that digital delivery yields, enables both studios and exhibitors to feature the highest quality presentation the first time and every time.”

Microspace collaborates with studios, content preparation companies and exhibitors to utilize satellite distribution and its benefits. The proven workflow and electronic delivery of Microspace’s satellite distribution provides the industry with a turn-key solution for content delivery and minimizes the potential issues and costs associated with physical delivery. Through the use of two discrete satellite systems, movies and keys are delivered on-time, every-time at Microspace connected theatres.

The North American premiere will be open to 4,000 people across four theaters in Westwood Village where they will view the Autobots® and Decepticons® battle it out. The premiere will take place on June 27, 2007 at 8:15 p.m. Transformers will open in theaters nationwide on July 2 at 8pm.

Source: Microspace Communications Corporation
