Empire Online got an update from Batman Begins director Christopher Nolan about how his meeting went with Warner Bros. Pictures about the sequel:
Jeff Robinov at Warners was quoted as saying that you tell him what the sequel is going to be. Is that the case?
Well, he’s very polite to put it that way! I have marched into his office and I have told him what David Goyer and I think the story is, and they seem to like it a lot. I think the success of Batman Begins, in my terms, in it being a film that I wanted it to be, is very much due to a collaboration with the studio. It wasn’t really one or the other telling the other what it should be, so I think he’s poking fun
Sounds like great news. Nolan will first direct “The Prestige,” starring Batman himself, Christian Bale, and Wolverine, Hugh Jackman.
Source: Empire Online