Bowman on a Possible Elektra Sequel

With the “Elektra: Unrated Director’s Cut” hitting stores today, IGN Filmforce talked to director Rob Bowman about a possible sequel that would almost certainly be rated R. Here’s a clip:

“I would say, give me the full spectrum of it. The first one is a reconstruction. But the second one? No, no, no! Go back and say, this is one of the darkest, most capable assassins in the world, or in the comic book world.”

The sequel would pick up at the very end of Elektra, where she exits the house. She’s changed a girl’s life for the better, and has learned to be more compassionate. However, “That’s no different than actually just stepping out of rehab. It’s no different than coming out of the hospital with a cast on your arm.”

Click the link above for more of the interview.

Source: IGN Filmforce
