UPDATE: McGowan Injured Working on Red Sonja?

Fox News is reporting that Rose McGowan injured herself working on Red Sonja:

“I had wrist and elbow surgery and they took part of my elbow out. I had really bad nerve damage from doing stunts – I do a lot of my own stunts,” McGowan recently told Tarts. “I could no longer use my arm, but now I can hold a fork and drive so we’re working our way up. It’ll probably be another six months of rehab, but It’s the price you pay for being really limber and being able to do back flips!”

While it says in the article above that this brought production to a halt, the official start of filming was never announced, so perhaps she was just in training?

Douglas Aarniokoski is expected to direct the film, written by David N. White. It is based on the heroine created by Robert E. Howard and adapted for Marvel Comics by Roy Thomas.

UPDATE: As we suspected, the above wasn’t true! Rose McGowan debunked it on Twitter saying, “News is wrong! No injuries stopped the filming on Red Sonja!Film didn’t start.Stunt on Planet Terror&eventual arm/hand surgery delayed.”

Source: Fox News
