POW! Entertainment and Stan Lee, the legendary creator of superheroes, has announced his newest creation — a superhero who, unlike all the others, is actually based on a living, breathing human being, performing his fantastic deeds in the real world. His name is Jay J. Armes and he’s arguably the world’s most successful and colorful crime fighter. The project was brought to POW! Entertainment by Faye Schwab and Steven Bratter, Jay’s producing partners.

Says Stan, “When I first met Jay I was bowled over. I couldn’t believe that a real live person could have the incredible powers that he possesses. He even resembles my own fictional comic book heroes in the respect that most of them gained their super power through some sort of accident. Spider-Man had been bitten by a genetically altered spider. The Hulk was the product of a gamma ray experiment gone wrong and Daredevil was blinded by radioactive chemical. As for Jay J. Armes, he lost both his hands in a childhood accident at the age of twelve.”
POW!’s president, Gill Champion, says, “This can truly be a tent pole franchise with the right studio partner. Amazingly, Jay can now do more with the fantastic steel claws that have replaced his hands than people with their own hands can do. He can reach into fire, smash through doors, fire bullets with unerring accuracy, cut through metal, fly utilizing a jet pack, scuba dive, pilot a jet — and he is master of the deadliest karate chop. No wonder Jay J. Armes is the most famous, most sought after investigator in the world.”
Jay’s prosthetics are totally incredible, the stuff of comicbook legend. His two powerful claws, which have the power to slice through steel, are also delicate enough to thread a needle or perform surgery. He also possesses five-fingered prosthetics which he can wear when the occasion demands, giving him the appearance or a man with two normal hands.
Another appealing factor is Jay’s colorful life style. He lives on a fourteen acre estate in El Paso, Texas, with nine full grown tigers, a chimpanzee and his beautiful, devoted wife and loving family. He uses his 750 pound tiger Gemini as a lie detector in difficult cases as he drives the powerful beast around in his specially equipped Hummer. Because of the intensely dangerous nature of his work, there have been fifteen assassination attempts on Jay’s life.
A first draft treatment has been written by Scott Lobdell, acclaimed writer of the “Uncanny X-Men” and the creator of “Generation X”.
The franchise will be based on J.J. Armes’ actual, seemingly impossible cases, which the FBI and CIA had given up as lost causes.
Jay says he attributes his success to the fact that “I never give up.”

Source: POW! Entertainment, Inc.