X-Men: First Class to Film on Jekyll Island

Savannah, Georgia newspaper Savannah Morning News reports that X-Men: First Class will film on Jekyll Island. Here are several clips from the article:

The Jekyll Island Authority this week approved an agreement with Twentieth Century Fox for filming of "X-Men: First Class."

Filming is expected to begin on Jekyll later this month and is scheduled to run to the end of the year. Producers will pay the authority $16,000 for use of a 4.5-acre beach area east of Beachview Drive and the fishing pier at Clam Creek. That fee is established as long as producers at the end of filming agree to provide 375 cubic yards of beach-quality sand at the beach location, according to the signed agreement. The sand is worth a film credit of up to $15,000, the agreement states.

Toward the end of the scouting, however, a producer reviewing the locations on Google Earth thought the water near Jekyll looked bluer.

Chris Petrikin, of Fox corporate communications, said Jekyll ultimately was chosen for of its "visual aesthetic," abundance of crew and equipment resources, travel access and housing availability.

You can check out Jekyll Island’s official website here, and for the full article, go here. X-Men: First Class is currently filming in London for a June 3, 2011 release.
