Different Types of Twins in Transformers 3?

Yesterday, Michael Bay posted a message on his forums saying that twins Skids and Mudflap will not be back for Transformers 3 after some set reports came online saying they were spotted. Now, even more set photos have come online at Left Lane of the two Chevy Sparks.

 A lot of fans have labeled Bay’s message on his forums as the start of his new "misinformation campaign" (he said some things about the second film that weren’t true), but he may be telling the truth here as these two may just be new Autobots and not Skids and Mudflap. We’ll have to wait and see how it turns out.

In related news, the Florida Space Coast tweeted that filming will take place there after the summer – "Transformers 3 to film on Floridas Space Coast! Filming to begin September 2010!"

Transformers 3 is scheduled to hit theaters on July 1, 2011.
