Dylan O'Brien has been cast in the upcoming Transformers spinoff, which will give the beloved Autobot an '80s origin story.
The Master of Kung Fu is coming to the big screen, as Marvel fast tracks a Shang-Chi movie with the…
During an appearance on Good Morning America, Jason Momoa premiered a new clip from Aquaman that brought the heroes together…
The first set photos for DC Universe's upcoming series Swamp Thing have been released online, featuring Andy Bean and Crystal…
The latest footage from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse gives Mary Jane the chance to share a message for everyone who…
The new trailer arrives tomorrow!
Even Guillermo del Toro can't make every film that he wants, but some of his unrealized projects deserve another chance…
Before you catch Into the Spider-Verse, we've got a roundup of videos that explain the origins of the alternate Spider-Men…
A leaked image of Funko Pops inspired by Captain Marvel offers a potential spoiler involving a major character from the…
The re-cut, PG-13 version of Deadpool 2 hits theaters on December 12
Aquaman opens the floodgates to theaters on December 21
At a special Q&A presentation of Avengers: Infinity War, Joe and Anthony Russo shared over 60 things about the making…
DC's third Blue Beetle, Jaime Reyes, may become the very first Latino character to headline a big budget superhero movie.
The filmmaking duo behind four Marvel blockbusters don't plan on making another superhero movie after Avengers 4...unless it's Secret Wars.
Matthew Vaughn's upcoming Kingsman prequel is beginning to take shape with two veteran actors joining the film, and potentially Rhys…
At least two familiar faces will be featured onscreen when Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse arrives in theaters next month.
A new preview from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse shows Peter Parker giving Miles Morales an impromptu lesson as they attempt…
The studio is already eyeing directors to helm both a sequel to next month's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and a…
Netflix is planning a film adaptation of Mark Millar's latest creator-owned series, which will hit comic shops in February 2019.
The sci-fi adventure will arrive in theaters on December 21