Initial Black Adam Reactions Call the Movie Action-Packed

Dwayne Johnson‘s had fifteen long years to make the Black Adam movie he wanted and get it right. With the movie having premiered yesterday, after screening for the junket press, has he done that? Well, while not all the initial Black Adam reactions praise everything, they mostly agree that it’s full of adrenaline-pumping action, and that Johnson and his JSA cast members remain compelling.

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Some reactions compare it positively to the work of Zack Snyder, which may indicate future divisiveness from fans not into that approach.

Even those who think Johnson overhyped the project, as he does, still enjoy the action:

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We did find at least one naysayer, who has a lot of “nay” to say:

As always, bear in mind that initial reactions tend to be more enthusiastic than final reviews. Many come out of an exciting premiere atmosphere, or could be affected by the hassles of same, like security. Regardless, it’s at least a good sign for SHH writers that writers who are generally immersed in superhero films are mainly enjoying it so far.

What do you make of the first reactions? Let us know in comments!

Recommended Reading: Justice Society of America: Black Adam and Isis 

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