Go go Yellow Rangers! The color scheme so popular with taxi cabs is this month’s go-to shade for new Hasbro action figures from the universe-spanning Power Rangers Lightning Collection. In this case, it’s the Yellow Power Rangers from S.P.D. and Lost Galaxy.
Maya, the Lost Galaxy Yellow, hails from the planet Mironoi. Per the official product description, “after pulling the Yellow Quasar Saber from the stone of her planet she became the Lost Galaxy Yellow Ranger! This plastic Power Rangers Lightning Collection Lost Galaxy Yellow Ranger 6-Inch Action Figure includes an alternate head, a dagger, blast effects, and a bazooka.”
From the far-future year 2025, Elizabeth “Z” Delgado has the mutant power of duplication, so you can definitely buy more than one. Street-smart and SWAT-trained, she comes packed with weapons, lightning effect, and alternate head and hands.
RELATED: Netflix Shares New Details For Power Rangers Anniversary Special
Entertainment Earth and other outlets have both up for preorder at $24.99 each, for June delivery. (Entertainment Earth is an affiliate partner of Superhero Hype, which may earn fees on purchases made.)
Take a look through all the images below to see which Lightning Collection Yellow Ranger looks right for you. Then tell us what you’d like to see next in toy form, in the comments section below!

Recommended Reading: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 7
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