“My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!” For many Simpsons fans, Rainier Wolfcastle’s cinematic take on Radioactive Man is the definitive, most quotable version. Super7, however, may beg to differ. As seen by his more classic, Golden Age physique, their Radioactive Man action figure is based on the comics version. Up and atom, indeed!

Radioactive Man isn’t the only figure in the wave who emanates heat. Devil Flanders comes complete with a soul contract and flaming pen, ready to doom greedy humans. Speaking of greedy, the euphemistically named “King-Sized” Homer, who in pre-pandemic days had to disable himself to get dispensation to work remotely, shows off the dangers of obesity.

RELATED: The McBain Movies From The Simpsons Get Their Own Action Figures
Finally, Springfield’s answer to Mike Tyson, Drederick Tatum, comes with a soft robe and championship belt, in the right scale to pummel similar boxing figures from other companies.

Preorders start now at Super7, where they run $55 each . Or save on shipping at sites like our affiliate partner Entertainment Earth. (Superhero Hype may earn fees based on purchase made through our Entertainment Earth links.)
How do you like this latest wave of Simpsons figures? Check out even more images below, and let us know in comments.

Recommended Reading: The Unofficial Simpsons Cookbook: From Krusty Burgers to Marge’s Pretzels, Famous Recipes from Your Favorite Cartoon Family
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