Dark Nights Metal offered up some pretty crazy Batman variants, but one of the wildest was Fulcum Abominus. It’s essentially an evil Justice League Megazord, formed as a combiner of multiple robots, each individually designed to exploit a particular Leaguer’s weakness. Made at the behest of Mongul, it’s now stored in the Hall of Justice. And a megafig of it can be yours for $39.99. McFarlane Toys loves Batman and crazy big robots, so it’s a gimme for the DC Multiverse line.

The second Megafig in the wave is Kalibak. This firstborn son of Darkseid comes ready to pulverize in a massive new sculpt.

RELATED: Mongul and Frankenstein Are the Next McFarlane DC Mega Figures
But the wave has two regular-sized figures as well. From the Arkham video games, first comes Arkham Knight Batman in his Earth-2 skin…

…followed by the cool-dude Riddler from Arkham City.

Our affiliate partners at Entertainment Earth have the preorders up for an April delivery. The two Arkham figures feature a slight price increase at $22.99, which is still below comparable 6-inch figure lines at other companies, and way below most 7-inchers. (Superhero Hype may earn fees from any purchase made through EE links; you can get free shipping on orders $39+ with this one.)
Will you preorder any of these guys. Let us know in comments below!
Recommended Purchase: Dark Nights: Metal Omnibus Hardcover
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