It’s been a while since Angelina Jolie last talked to us about possibly playing Ava Lord in Sin City 2 (December, 2006 to be exact), but now Moviehole is reporting the rumor that talks are heating up once again for her to play the character in the sequel based on Frank Miller’s “A Dame to Kill For.”
According to a rather high-profile producer friend, Angelina Jolie is now in “serious talks” – as opposed to merely being mentioned as a possibility, or having a casual coffee with the filmmakers to suss out her interest – to star in director Robert Rodroguez’s “Sin City 2.”
In the graphic novel, Ava is an ex-lover of Dwight McCarthy (Clive Owen) who manipulates men through her good looks and her supposed innocence.
Dimension Films has not announced a start date for the Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller sequel yet.
Source: Moviehole