The late Heath Ledger was awarded one of his country’s most prestigious film awards on Saturday for his role as The Joker in The Dark Knight, reports Reuters.
Ledger, 28, who died of an accidental overdose of painkillers and other medicines in his New York apartment 11 months ago, was posthumously awarded the AFI (Australian Film Institute) international award for best actor.
Guests at a packed awards ceremony in Melbourne’s Princess Theater rose to their feet clapping, but with some in tears, to pay tribute to the actor who was nominated for an Oscar for his role in 2005’s Brokeback Mountain.
“It has been without a doubt the most difficult year, losing such a loved family member,” said his sister Kate, fighting back tears as she accepted the award alongside Ledger’s parents.
“We are so proud of him and humbly accept this award on behalf of his beautiful daughter (Matilda) who we will cherish forever.”
The AFI, celebrating its 50th-annual award ceremony, paid tribute to Ledger, describing him as “ground-breaking actor trapped in the body of a leading man.”
“He was the untamed spirit many of us wish we could be. May the legend live on,” an AFI tribute said.
In related news, a scooper at Ain’t It Cool News attended a Blu-ray Disc release event with director Christopher Nolan. Here’s a bit on the possible third film:
If he made a third film, it would be for no reason but the continuation of story. He is currently looking into where the story would go and if it needs to go there. He maintained that it’s very hard to make a movie of this scale (and specified he wasn’t asking for our sympathy, drawing a laugh from the crowd) – it’s two hard years and you gotta love it. One of his biggest fears is getting halfway through making a film and realizing it’s unnecessary and he doesn’t want to make it anymore. If there is a third story that needs to be told, there will be a third film, but nothing is set in stone or a given.
Nolan, Christian Bale and Aaron Eckhart talked about the film’s Oscar chances on Wednesday which you can read about here.
Also, in addition to My-DarkKnight.com, Warner Home Video has launched game site TheDarkKnightPuzzle.com.
Source: Superhero Hype!