Spider-Man 3 Snares 94% of Fandango Sales

As a strong indicator of fan anticipation for Friday’s opening of Spider-Man 3, the film’s advance ticket sales are surging on Fandango. Fandango is reporting that Spider-Man 3 is currently:

* Selling six times as many tickets as Spider-Man 2 — and two and a half times as many tickets as last year’s Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest — sold at the same point in the films’ respective sales cycles on Fandango;

* Selling out dozens of Thursday, May 3 midnight shows around the country (many theaters have added 3:00 a.m. show times to accommodate the demand);

* Accounting for 94% of all weekly ticket sales on the site (as of Wednesday, May 2, 9:00 a.m. PT);

* Fandango’s fastest-selling movie of the year so far.

In an online poll, Fandango asked moviegoers their thoughts about possible “Spider-Man” movies in the future. In responding to the poll, 58% of fans said they would not consider buying a ticket to a fourth “Spider-Man” movie with someone other than Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker. Also, 52% of fans said they would not consider buying a ticket to a fourth “Spider-Man” movie if it were directed by someone other than Sam Raimi. On the other hand, 68% of fans said they would be interested in seeing a much-rumored movie version of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit directed by Sam Raimi.

“‘Spider-Man 3’ has been dominating our ticket sales for several weeks,” says Fandango VP of Marketing, Ted Hong. “Given the enormous popularity of the first two ‘Spider-Man’ movies, and the fast pace of our ticket sales, ‘Spider-Man 3’ should be a great kick-off for a memorable summer season.”

Visit Fandango at Fandango.com.

Source: Fandango
