We received a lot of mail from fans about this one (sorry folks, we were traveling), but when Halle Berry won for “Favorite Female Action Star” at the People’s Choice Awards on Tuesday night, she called out to X-Men fans. Here’s a good summary of what she said from XMenFilms.net:
“I had no idea you guys loved Storm so much! Wow, thank you, thank you. And I want to thank Tom Rothman for allowing me to play Storm, and Brett Ratner for allowing Storm to finally use her cape and fly this year.” said Halle Berry at yesterday’s People’s Choice Awards.
“But I have something to ask you guys. You guys really love X-Men? Ok, here’s what you have to do. Write letters. Every one of you in this building who love X-Men and want to see X-Men 4, write a letter to Tom Rothman at Fox and tell him so and you will get another one, and I’ll be there too.”
You can write or e-mail 20th Century Fox regarding X4 at:
20th Century Fox Theatricals
ATTN: Tom Rothman (X-Men 4)
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900
[email protected]
No pressure Tom!
Source: Superhero Hype!