April 15th is Christopher Reeve Day

Eight years ago Superman actor Christopher Reeve got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Below is a remembrance of the day by Superman expert Jim Bowers.

April 15th is officially Christopher Reeve Day in Hollywood. On April 15, 1997, Chris received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, thanks to Bill Shepard and INSITE, the International Network of Somewhere in Time Enthusiasts. It was an honor and privilege to be up front with all of the media to photograph this truly unforgettable event.

Last Sunday, April 10th, was Chris and Dana’s 13th wedding anniversary. I was at Chris’ star that day. I saw a girl about 10 years old with her family looking at the star and she said, “It’s Christopher Reeve. He was Superman, the guy everybody liked.”

Remember Christopher Reeve and how he has touched your life. We need more human beings like him in this great big world of ours.

Have a good day.

J i m B o w e r s

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Source: CapedWonder.com
