We just received the following updates from the Dallas Comic Con, which includes an appearance by Michael Keaton, star of the first two Batman films.
What: Dallas Comic Con
When: 11am to 5 pm Saturday, Oct 23 and 12pm to 4pm. Sunday, Oct 24
Where: Plano Centre 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway in Plano
Cost: $5 general admission, free for ages 12 and under
Information: DallasComicCon.com
You are invited to join us October 23 and 24 for a weekend of fun, movie memorabilia, celebrities, collectibles, toys and comics at the Plano Centre.
Michael Keaton tops the Dallas Comic Con list as our guest of honor
promoting his new film “White Noise”. Mr. Keaton will have a Q&A on Saturday with the Dallas Comic Con fans talking about his many film roles and his newest film. Dallas fans are extremely excited to meet Mr. Keaton whom many regard as the “Best” Batman from all of the Bat-incarnations.
Almost a dozen other celebrity guests will be signing autographs at the show, with a wide variety of movies and television series represented.
“In past years, we’ve had a heavy emphasis on Star Wars, and we’ll continue to bring in actors from that popular series,” said Ben Stevens with C2 Ventures, which produces the Dallas Comic Con. “But we’ve had fans ask for guests from other shows, and with this convention I think we’ll be making a lot of those fans very happy.”
The popular Star Trek TV series has generated many of those requests, and among the actors making a rare appearance and signing autographs at the Dallas Comic Con will be Brent Spiner (Data), Michael Dorn (Worf), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Chrusher), and John DeLancie (Q).
Star Wars fans won’t be disappointed either, with a Saturday-only visit by Orli Shoshan (traveling from her home country of Isreal to attend), and Peter Mayhew, the lovable wookie “Chewbacca” from the the original Star Wars trilogy and the newly filmed Episode III.
Voice actors scheduled to appear include Kevin Conroy (voice of Batman from the animated series, and Arleen Sorkin (voice of Harley Quinn from the Batman animated series).
From TV’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer, meet fan favorite actresses Robia La Morte, and Iyari Limon, who portrayed Jenny Calendar and Kennedy respectively.
Comic book fans also will be able to meet a dozen artists including cover artist Greg Horn, and nationally acclaimed comic artists Dan Brereton, and Adam Hughes.
As a bonus to attendees, the Dallas Comic Con will host a special Saturday night advance screening of the hot new horror movie SAW from Lion’s Gate Films, a costume contest with exciting prizes, free promotional giveaways, celebrity Q&A panels, and other exciting events all weekend. There will also be a mini-comic workshop where aspiring comic creators can learn how to make their own comic book.
Show attendees also will find more than 150 vendors offering everything from vintage toys to movie memorabilia to hard-to-find collectibles occupying more than 30,000 sq ft.
General admission to the show is $5 at the door per day. SpeedPasses are $20 and receive priority access to the autograph areas and the Q&A panel seating.
For the first time, C2 Ventures also has extended its free children’s admission to ages 12 and younger.
“In the past we’ve charged a reduced fee for younger children, but we’re trying to ease the financial burden,” Mr. Stevens said. “We really want our shows to be something for the whole family, and this is one way we’re letting parents know the whole family is welcome.”
For more information on the Sci-Fi Expo or other upcoming shows, visit
Source: Dallas Comic Con