‘Gotham City Vice’ took more pictures of the Batmobiles and filed this report…
Whats up fellow Batman fans, I did my spying last night, I look and take pictures but I don’t try to disrupt any of the filming. I like to mess around with the P.A. guys who think they are cool cause they have a construction vest on. Of course everyone knows were the Bentley is, the GPD squad cars, SWAT trucks, squad suvs, but where are the Batmobiles (Tumblers)? I found them in the Garage they were filming on Tuesday night. They are actually gonna continue to film up there on Friday night. And I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be some explosives somewhere, and some tire action, because a block away where the squads are parked are also water, and pyro-tech trucks. Heres some cool pics fans. Chicago is the perfect place for Gotham City.

‘R3Vocelot’ found the same location and says…
I live in Chicago and work down the street from where they have been shooting “Batman Begins”. Today on my lunch break, I took a stroll to where they had shot the bat signal scenes and happened to look up at a parking garage right next to that sight(Randolph St. and Wells St.). I saw some blue tarp on the top floor so I headed up there to check it out. Tumblers galore! There was 5 of them underneath tarps. One of which I could see everything perfectly because there were 3 guys that pulled the front end of the tarp up and I got a clear shot of the front end. I had to be a good 30 ft. away from this. I tried to head up to the top floor when a security guard asked me if I was with the movie, so I headed out. The garage is still being used and people were parked on the same floor as the tumblers. If your in that area I highly suggest you check it out, it really was cool.
Meanwhile, ‘Bats’ has received a notice for this weekend’s filming…
Just when you thought you were safe from more “Batman Begins” reports, this report came from a friend of mine:
“Please be advised that filming for the movie “The Intimidation Game” will take place this weekend from August 13 through August 15. During this time, “No Parking” signs will be posted on the following street from 3 AM on Saturday August 14 through 6 AM on Sunday August 15:
Both sides of Lower Randolph from Beaubien Court to 360 East Lower Randolph
Both sides of Lower Lower Columbus from Lower Randolph to Lower South Water
South side of South Water from Columbus to Michigan
Both sides of Columbus from Randolph to Wacker
In conjunction with this filming there will be a helicopter over the Chicago River between the hours of 7:30 PM on Saturday August 14 through 12 AM on Sunday August 15.
The Chicago Police Department will be closing the following streets between the hours of 7 PM on Saturday August 14 through 6 AM on Sunday August 15:
Columbus Drive from Randolph to Wacker Drive
Lower Columbus from Lower Randolph to Lower South Water
Lower Randolph from Beaubien Court to 360 East Lower Randolph

Source: Superhero Hype!