‘Jim’ from Weblog Strange Interlude has sent us some great new images from the Batman Begins set. One of the Weblog’s contributors was at London’s Senate House (the big building that Hitler had wanted for his Nazi HQ after conquering England and which also was used for the library interiors in “Ghostbusters”) which was transformed into the “City of Gotham State Courts”.
We were tremendously excited to see fire hydrants, American-style yellow cabs, cars with Gotham license plates, and a number of Gotham Police Department cars, complete with seal… we managed to see Chris Nolan’s director’s chair. We wandered a bit more, seeing the cafeteria (which had apparently been transformed into a courtroom) before being caught and questioned by a security guy. He then escorted us out (except for a moment when we had to stop and wait for them to shoot a scene involving Toledo native Katie Holmes chasing some dude out the doors).
Check out the pictures by clicking the image below!

Source: Strange Interlude