We open with a look at when Lucy and Joe found the Darkhold, in the basement of the man who…
The mysterious Kryptonian throws Kara through a window and rushes through the DEO. He seems to have all the same…
On her day off, Simmons is apartment hunting for her and Fitz. She got some kind of direct email offer…
Things are strained at the DEO. Kara and Clark are having a lot of fun being Supers together, but Hank…
We start in Miami. Elena is attending a bachelorette party for her friend Maria, when the power goes out in…
Supergirl on The CW picks up right where it left off on CBS: the celebratory dinner at Kara’s house, with…
The ghost that infected May is back at it, scaring a kid and passing through his dad. The ghost, Lucy,…
We return to a divided SHIELD. Mack and Coulson are in the field; Elena is basically a contractor; May trains…
GCPD SWAT team is set up outside Arkham. Bullock tells his team if they don’t see Jim in ten seconds,…
SHIELD has located the silo that seems most likely to have been taken over by Hive, so they head there.…
After last week’s finale, where Azrael was blown up by a bazooka, Bullock gives a statement to the press, that…
If, for some reason, you didn’t see Captain America: Civil War this weekend, the opening scenes of SHIELD give you…
Jim and Bullock serve Strange a warrant to search his office. When they enter, there is a large garbage bag…
We open with a flashback to when Hive was created. In what I assume is prehistoric times, an early man…
Test results are back, and Daisy is the only one infected by Hive. May is still working on fortifying HQ.…
Daisy and Lincoln pick up Joey in Miami and Elena in Bogota, then give a cheesy “Let’s put our gifts…
In the Supergirl Season One finale, we pick up where last week left off as Alex and Supergirl face off. Supergirl…
Jim pulls his gun when he sees Barbara at his door. Reasonable response. She puts her hands up, and tells…
The team is trying to figure out what exactly they are dealing with with the return of “Ward,” what it…
Non has all of National City under the control of Myriad, including Lucy and the other DEO agents. Non wants…