Get your roses ready, people. The time to pay your respects draws near. The sense of loss that began with the cancellation of Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Daredevil late last year isn’t going away any time soon. Frustrations resulting from the breakdown in Marvel and Netflix’s relationship gave way to hope that the platform’s slate would find a new home on Disney’s forthcoming streaming service, Disney+. Those hopes seemed to be dashed last month when Marvel and Prop Store announced that a collection of set-used props from the shows would be sold off in a Marvel television live auction in August 2019.
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It’s hard to continue a show without the items and costumes that brought its source material to life so effectively. But some fans continue to cling to the final threads of this now tattered tapestry. They hope Marvel is selling off these props to make way for new ones. It’s only a sound theory if a complete reboot is in fact in the works. Sadly, all signs point to the Marvel/Netflix lineage being dead and buried after Jessica Jones wraps up its third season later this year. Disney seems more than content to let these lie in favor of other series helmed by MCU staples.
So, if these shows now exist solely in our memories, the least we should do is celebrate the fire sale. Let’s parse out the iconic items we’d want to add to our personal collections. Prop Store has only released a small selection of preview items, but the entire lot will be much larger. With that in mind, we should run through the selections, both announced and unannounced, that would best serve as mementos. Let’s pour one out and run down the top ten most-wanted items in the Marvel/Netflix prop auction.
10 Most Wanted Items of the Marvel Television Live Auction
Which Netflix props and costumes do you want the most?
Daredevil's Baton
Weapons obviously make up a good chunk of the auction’s selection. They’re iconic, unique and a favorite when it comes to bachelor living-room decor. While Colleen’s katana and Elektra’s sai would be good choices, Matt Murdock’s baton stands as the clear number one. Its unseeming nature and devastating capabilities hide underneath an unrivaled level of detail and intricacy. It’s the perfect decoration for starting conversations and low-key memorializing the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. It also won’t generate anywhere near as many uninspired nod and “cool” reactions as displaying more martial arts weaponry on your wall.
Daredevil's Suit
What if you want to celebrate that maroon devil but subtlety isn’t your forte? Then this little number is for you. It’ll definitely take up more space than his baton, but that’s a small price to pay for one of the best superhero costumes in recent years. Not too mention the cosplay implications having this bad boy at your disposal would bring.
In all seriousness, this costume served as the face of Marvel and Netflix’s partnership, becoming its most lasting image. Bringing this into your home means taking hold of the single most recognizable remnant of a program gone too soon. Plus, you can see how you stack up to Charlie Cox, bodywise.
Luke Cage's Bullet-Riddled Hoodie
If earth tones aren’t your thing then perhaps Luke Cake’s bullet hole-riddled hoodie is the fit of your future. This item takes distressed clothing to its most illogical conclusion. Originating from Luke’s memorable assault on Cottonmouth’s Crispus Attucks safehouse, this hoodie stands as a symbol of Mr. Cage’s commitment to protect and clean up Harlem in addition to his hubris. To be honest, you’d need a Luke Cage-level of self-confidence to rock this thing on the everyday. Even the dude’s clothing preaches self-empowerment. No wonder he’s called Power Man in the comics.
Nelson & Murdock Sign
This one's a heartbreaker. No relationship carried more heart through its winding road than Matt and Foggy’s. The two attorneys, full of vigor and ideals, never let the criminal undercurrent running through Hell’s Kitchen continue unchecked once they set up shop. And this sign is a lasting totem of that legacy. “Nelson & Murdock” carried weight in those streets and remains the ultimate example of persistence. Never a better motivational charm has existed.
Iron Fist's Mask
Iron Fist might’ve been the red-headed stepchild of the Marvel/Netflix lineup, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have its fans. For them, the iconic Iron Fist mask is probably the one piece of Danny Rand’s ensemble worth having. It looks like it was pulled straight from the comic and is far more breathable than the other specialized suits in the collection. Just look at that airy linen. Also, whoever gets their hands on this piece will undoubtedly get more use out of it than the show did. Just because they didn’t get around to using it too much doesn’t mean that you can’t unleash your chi while running through the day’s mundanity.
Misty Knight's Robotic Arm
Nothing on the auction block tops Misty Knight’s prosthetic arm in the radness department. This thing’s badass status goes much deeper than its sleek look. Its arrival brought excitement by signaling a possible Daughters of the Dragon entrance. Sadly, it didn’t come to pass, but that doesn’t rob Danny Rand’s best contribution to the extended universe of its cool factor. Cyberpunk is in (is it ever out?) and Misty’s arm rivals other similar prosthetics available. Now if only we could get it gold-plated.
Colleen Wing's Jacket
Daredevil’s suit and Luke Cage’s hoodie would be statement pieces on anyone’s bod, but Colleen Wing’s jacket is by the most fashionable and functional. This tiger-emblazoned piece of satin glory would easily find its way onto any fan’s shoulders if put on the block. The fact that Colleen donned it while being the most rewarding character on Iron Fist adds to its value. Worthy of display in home or on the go, this is a secondhand shop scourer’s dream find. It’ll probably end up being more expensive than your usual vintage haul, but it’s worth it knowing that you hold some connection to a woman worthy of wielding the Iron Fist.
Kingpin's Cufflinks
Nothing says classy like a selection of cufflinks from which you easily remove blood. Wilson Fisk knows how to pick’em. Few things showcase the cultural and criminal sophistication of Mr. Fisk than how he dresses. He always appears above his crimes, and he can own some of that perception to the way he clothes and carries himself. Be honest, there is a unique power within these status symbols that is fetishized whether their worth it or not. Plus, these are one of the more practical items featured in the show in terms of everyday use. We might not want to believe that we’re Wilson Fisk in our souls, but everyone has a sliver in them. Now you can wear that sliver on your sleeve.
Pop's Swear Jar
What the Nelson & Murdock sign is to Daredevil is what Pop’s swear jar is to Luke Cage. Sure, it’s just a Cafe Bustelo (Wepa!) tin with some masking tape slapped on, but the sentimentality infused in this piece makes it priceless. Pop’s swear jar is the physical embodiment of Luke Cage’s “Always Forward” credo. It’s a conduit for Pop to continually motivate and counsel Cage through his battles on the streets of Harlem. It’s a symbol of integrity; a reminder to be true to yourself and the neighborhood that made you. Having something like that on your mantle, serving as a constant reminder to be your best self, is hard to put a price on.
Rabbit In A Snowstorm
So, this one might be a personal want, but the prominently featured painting is one of Daredevil’s more emotional touchstones. What entered the world as a symbol of Fisk’s isolation and eventual connection with Vanessa was actually one that carried trauma through decades of existence. But that’s the beauty of the painting. Just like the shows these items brought to life, it can mean so many things to different people. It all depends on your outlook, background and how they inform your viewing. Vanessa said it best herself: “How does it make you feel?”