Heroes Gains Alias/Lost Producer!

Emmy-winning “Alias” and “Lost” producer Jesse Alexander has signed a two-year overall deal with NBC Universal Television Studio, reports Variety.

Coming off a five-year stint on the J.J. Abrams’ ABC/Touchstone TV dramas, Alexander was looking for his next project by reading pilot scripts when he came across Tim Kring’s teleplay for the two-hour NBC pilot Heroes, about a group of seemingly everyday people who discover they have superpowers.

“The script was fantastic,” Alexander said. “I liked Tim’s vision of the world he created, and I liked the writing.”

If Heroes goes to series, Alexander would serve as co-executive producer.

Alexander had been with “Alias” since the show’s beginning, rising to executive producer this season. Last season, he was a co-executive producer on “Lost,” helping to launch the hit series.

Source: Variety
