Screenwriter on the G.I. Joe Adaptation

G.I. Joe screenwriter Michael Gordon contacted IGN Filmforce about the film and revealed some cool new info…

The screenwriter and self-proclaimed “Joe fanatic” also told us a tiny bit more about the film’s sole new Joe character, Rex, who DiBonaventura said would be a major character. “Rex is just a first name (which actually came from Hasbro),” Gordon advised FilmForce. “Much like Duke is really Conrad, Scarlett is really Shana, etc. Rex will have a Joe handle just like every other character.”

Gordon promises fans that “the G.I. Joe movie will ROCK!” and will be “chock full of blistering adventure, heart pounding heroism, high tech weapons and vehicles, and more crazy ninja action than you can handle.”

Sounds very cool! Thanks to ‘Stax’ for the heads up.

Source: IGN Filmforce
