Fantastic Four sequel pulled from schedule
Despite writer/producer Simon Kinberg expressing a desire to make more movies with the cast, 20th Century Fox has pulled the Fantastic Four sequel from their release calendar. The film was scheduled to debut in theaters on June 2, 2017, one week after Star Wars: Episode VIII.
Loosely based on Marvel’s “Ultimate Fantastic Four” comic series, the film was mired in controversy from the start, including a controversial tweet from director Josh Trank sent the day the film opened, lamenting the quality of the final cut.
Fantastic Four stars Miles Teller as Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Kate Mara as Sue Storm (The Invisible Woman), Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm (The Human Torch), Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm (The Thing), Toby Kebbell as Victor Von Doom, Reg E. Cathey (“The Wire”) as Dr. Franklin Storm, and Tim Blake Nelson.
The film went on to gross just $56 million at the domestic box office with a global total of $167 million. It reportedly cost about $120 million to make.