Toy maker Mattel has scooped up the license to produce toys based on the popular 1980s cartoon ThunderCats and will call on Four Horsemen Studios to create the sculpts for the limited 6” scale line of action figures. The toy giant said in a panel at Comic-Con this week that the new figures would be similar in scale and fashion to the company’s current Masters of the Universe Classics range sold via subscription on its Matty Collector website. The ThunderCats will also be sold direct to collectors through MattyCollector.com, and will not be available at retail outlets.
Mattel showed off painted prototypes of the new Lion-O and Jackalman figures. The company also showed off photos of an unpainted, in-process Mumm-Ra figure. Lion-O, heroic leader of the ThunderCats, will come with two versions of the Sword of Omens and his claw gauntlet, and is set to be the first release in the line currently slated for July 2016.
The new ThunderCats line will be available via a subscription that is expected to call for one new figure showing up every other month. Cost per figure is expected to run around $27 plus shipping. An initial release of six figures (one year) is planned, and is expected to alternate between heroic and villainous characters. Continuation of the line will likely hinge on sales of the initial wave.
SDCC ThunderCat toys
Mattel Lion-O
Mattel Jackalman
Mattel Jackalman and Lion-O