The new ThunderCats series published by Dynamite Entertainment puts a new spin on the classic animated series. The comic has redesigned several characters, but the core concept of alien nobles struggling to survive on a new world is intact. ThunderCats #3 by Declan Shalvey and Drew Moss continues to refine the series, this time reintroducing another character.

The portal turns out to be the work of Snarf, a cat-like creature the team recognizes as an old friend. Snarf was Lion-O’s protector when he was a young cub, telepathically bonded to him so that only the young lord could understand him. It is said that Snarf was presumed lost during the effort to evacuate Thundera.
The ThunderCats New Snarf is Not Comic Relief
Snarf fulfilled a similar role in the original ThunderCats cartoon, serving as a nursemaid to the young Lion-O. However, Snarf was presented as a comic figure, and considered annoying by many viewers. The chief reason for this was his sniveling voice, and habit of nervously repeating his name. (“Snarf! Snarf!”) Even the elder ThunderCats seemed to find Snarf irritating.

By contrast, the Snarf of the revamp is treated with respect and does not speak aloud. More, he was apparently assigned the duty of protecting an extradimensional treasure vault by Lion-O’s father, King Claudius. This vault perplexes the team, making use of science and magic unfamiliar to both Tigra and Panthro.
There are several other mysteries tied to the new Snarf. One is why Calica briefly seems to hear Snarf’s thoughts, when that is something only Lion-O can do. Another is why Snarf claims to have only been in the vault for two months, when several years have passed since Thundera’s destruction. In any case, these mysteries make the new Snarf a much more engaging character than the original.
ThunderCats #3 is now available online and in comic shops everywhere.