Initially announced at E3 2013, EA and DICE are hard at work on the long-awaited return of Star War Battlefront, and today a new piece of concept art for the game has debuted online (via IGN)
“The scale of our maps and modes offer a great variety depending on the location,” Star Wars Battlefront Design Director Niklas Fegraeus says. “Hoth, where the Rebel Alliance fought off invading AT-ATs in snowy plains, will differ in size than the dense woodland of Endor….
“We have actually made the decision to specifically tailor certain maps to certain game modes,” Fegraeus continued, “and what we get from that is not only incredibly varied scales, but also gameplay that will allow players to live out some of their most memorable Star Wars battle fantasies.”
Fegraeus went on to reveal that many of the people who have seen the game say it doesn’t exhibit the same qualities as other shooters.
“We’ve been showing the game to some close partners and one of the things we hear is that it doesn’t feel like other shooters and that it’s fully born from Star Wars. That really strikes a chord with me and the team as that is exactly the emotion and feeling we are going for and we can’t wait to show the world more this spring.”
No official release date has been set for the game, but it was previously revealed the game will debut at the end of this year.
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