ComingSoon.net/SuperHeroHype’s Silas Lesnick attended the Disney and Marvel Studios press event today where Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige made a number of huge announcements including that the title for Captain America 3, starring Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr., will now be called…
At a Q ‘n’ A following the announcement, Feige confirmed that “Civil War” will be a “global superhuman registration with a specific inciting incident” and that, “Secret identities aren’t as important in the MCU version of the story.”
Doctor Strange, starring Benedict Cumberbatch (who actually wasn’t mentioned, so perhaps the deal isn’t done) and directed by Scott Derickson, is officially scheduled for November 4, 2016.
James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has been moved forward a few months to May 5, 2017!
July 28, 2017 will now be the release date for… Thor: Ragnarok! (A few of our readers called this one.) Of course, both Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston will be returning as Thor and Loki. Feige says that it will immediately follow the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron with the goal to take Thor to “another level of his own franchise.”
The big news is that Marvel’s Black Panther is indeed getting his own solo movie with Black Panther scheduled for November 3, 2017 and the Black Panther will be played by…. Chadwick Boseman!
So that’s two sequels and one new character movie in 2017, Marvel Studios’ first year with three movie releases. Feige said that there is an easter egg in the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer for the Black Panther movie, which is probably that Andy Serkis plays Panther villain Ulysses Klaw.
Two more big announcements for new characters being brought to the Marvel Cinematic Universe are a Carol Danvers Captain Marvel movie for July 6, 2018 and an Inhumans movie for November 2, 2018. Both of these movies have been rumored for a long time, but now it’s confirmed that Marvel will have two new character movies in 2018 with the May 4, 2018 being…
Avengers: Infinity War – Part I!!!!
and with Avengers: Infinity War – Part II scheduled for May 3, 2019!
Feige said that the Hulk will appear in all of the Avengers movies and that a standalone Hulk movie may still happen. “We’ll see,” he said.
When asked about a Black Widow movie, Feige said the reason it hasn’t happened is “because she’s so good working with the Avengers and says that the Hulk is, at the moment, the same way.”
As far as rumors that Spider-Man might come over to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Feige was vague saying that it was either “not true at all” or “something not ready to be announced yet.”
As far as the long-rumored Runaways movie, Feige said that he’s a big fan of the script they have, but it just isn’t ready yet. The Runaways “come up quite a bit in both TV and film discussions.”
Click the logos and Black Panther artwork for bigger versions! You can also watch some videos from the event below.