Although fans wound up with just a taste of Josh Brolin as Thanos in James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy (currently breaking records at the box office), it’s a certainty that the character’s presence will be felt in future MCU films. How soon, exactly, can’t be said for sure, but there’s one guy who seems to know. Josh Brolin today confirms to IGN as many as three upcoming appearances of The Mad Titan!
“I know what one appearance is going to be for sure,” Brolin tells the outlet. “There’s one or two that I don’t know.”
It’s likely that that one certainty is Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2, which will be on the way before we get to a potentially Thanos-heavy Marvel’s The Avengers 3. That being said, Marvel has been known to surprise us in the past.
The other exciting news to come out of the interview is that Brolin seems to have an extreme attachment to the character and, in addition to having done his homework when it comes to Thanos’ backstory, teases that his brief experience at Comic-Con was what caused him to finally “get it.”
“Once I got on-stage,” he says. “It sort of became its own improv. I knew at that point, because I saw the rivalry between Robert [Downey Jr.] and I, and I thought, ‘I get this. I suddenly really get it.’ So I feel like I’m more inside it than I was. It was more a display to me before that. It was more cosmetic. Now I think I’m starting to get who the guy is a little bit.”
You can check out the full interview at IGN.
Brolin can next be seen in Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, hitting theaters August 22.