Marvel Studios and writer/director Joss Whedon took to the stage at San Diego Comic-Con’s Hall H this year and wowed the audience with the announcement of the title for The Avengers sequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron. Though the film is still two years away from release, Whedon has already decided to share some details on the film’s plot, inspirations, and characters.
“A lot of people, because we called it Age of Ultron and there was a book called Age of Ultron recently, assumed that was the storyline we were doing which is not the case. We’re doing our own version of the origin story of Ultron. The other thing is in the origin story, there was Hank Pym, so a lot of people assumed he was going to be in the mix, but he’s not because we’re basically taking the things from the comics for the movies that we need and can use. A lot of stuff has to fall by the way side. Ultron was their chief villain when I read the book. He has been THE Avengers villain for so long, I was amazed anybody was surprised it was going to be him in a movie. But we’re sort of crafting our own version of it, where his origin comes more from The Avengers that we already know about it.”
Whedon also admitted to knowing that this would be the sequel for the film since before he made the first “Avengers” movie.
“Since before I even took the job of making the first one, I thought ‘Well I don’t know if I want to make this movie, but the second one should have Ultron in it!'”
When asked how the film would be different from the first movie, Whedon elaborated more than he has in the past.
“It’s a little bit darker than the other film, because Ultron is in the house there’s a science fiction element that I think is a little bit stronger than the other film. Getting the team together was so rousing, but seriously, keeping the team together is a completely different problem.”
Ultron goes through several different iterations in the source material and Whedon says that will be reflected in the film.
“Ultron is definitely somebody who evolves so we’re going to get a couple of iterations, it’s going to be cool.”
When asked by a fan if The Avengers would do some globehopping in the sequel, Whedon gave an interesting reply for the film’s story.
“It’s very much a global Avengers film, a lot of the movie has to do with their place not only in America but in the world.”
While still writing the film, Whedon appears to be having the most fun writing one of the returning characters instead of one of the new ones.
“Part of the fun for me, definitely, this time around is writing Hawkeye, because he did get possessed pretty early by a bad guy and sort of had to walk around scowley for most of the movie last time. So now it’s nice to actually have the character there and really see him interact with the other guys.”
Whedon also confirmed the time table to begin production on the sequel.
“End of February, beginning of March. We’ll be shooting in London, London will be the base for Avengers 2.”
Featuring favorites from the first “Avengers” film and new Marvel characters never before seen on the big screen, Avengers: Age of Ultron will open in theaters on May 1, 2015. You can check out the interview segment below!