Shock: What’s the percentage of the film devoted to RoboCop’s creation?
Padilha: Maybe 30%. You’ll see and understand how RoboCop is made from the inside. The idea is, you try to keep the man so he’s an accountable robot. His brain still have memories, emotions, all of the human part. The body is robot…
Shock: We’ve seen photos of RoboCop and he has a human hand…
Padilha: Because in a sense, the corporation has to sell the idea that this robot is still a man and can be accountable. How do I greet you as a man? You shake his right hand. There’s a marketing reason for it [in the world]. There’s also a whole commentary on marketing. When they’re building RoboCop, they’re thinking like they would sell a computer from Apple or something. They run focus groups to find out how he looks.
You can read the full interview, which covers such topics as the film’s viral campaign, the global robot presence in the film, and more, by clicking here!
Be sure to also read our write up for the film’s panel from yesterday.