Like every other company at Toy Fair it seems, Diamond Select has some sort of tie-in toys for the upcoming Iron Man 3 and they showed us the action figures that includes the new Iron Man MK 42 armor and the War Machine armor.
A big part of the company’s business is still their trademark Minimates, which are celebrating their 10th Anniversary with Wave 49 being the Iron Man 3 Minimates which included the new Iron Man armor, War Machine, Iron Patriot, Mandarin, Guy Pearce’s Aldrich Killian and Rebecca Hall’s Maya Hansen as well as a “secret character.” Wave 50 and 51 will be Marvel Universe Minimates, which will include figures for Onslaught, the new Nova, Superior Spider-Man, the Phoenix 5 versions of Emma Frost and Collosus and more. Wave 52 will be Thor: the Dark World, for which they already had some artwork for the characters that will be appear including Heimdall, Dr. Erik Selvig, Loki (with his mouth covered), Malekith and more.

This year, Diamond Select added the Aliens license for Minimates with plans for figures and vehicles, and while they also plan on growing their line of The Walking Dead Minimates collection, they’ll be joined by Minimates based on the Image Comics “Thief of Thieves” and “Invincible.”

Other interesting things on display included figures based on The Munsters, the current series offering a special incentive that allows you to get the staircase with the family pet Rex if you collect them all. They also continue their figures of Universal Monsters with a Creature of the Black Lagoon and Son of Frankenstein. They also have created a pretty cool replica of the Back to the Future “Mr. Fusion, Home Energy Reactor.”
All of the above and more can be seen in the Diamond Direct Gallery.