Michael Rosenbaum Also in the Running for Guardians of the Galaxy Lead

Michael Rosenbaum is no stranger to superheroes having provided the voice for The Flash in the Justice League, Teen Titans, and Static Shock cartoons, Deadman in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, and playing Lex Luthor in over 150 episodes on the very successful CW series Smallville. But it seems Rosenbaum could make the leap to Marvel as he tweeted this message yesterday:

Rosenbaum isn’t the only new name to be added to the potential Peter Quill list as Joseph Gordon-Levitt is said to be on the short list of actors which also includes Jim Sturgess (Cloud Atlas) and Zachary Levi (“Chuck”).

The Quill character is likely to be the central protagonist of the film. Raised on Earth, Quill learns that his father was from outer space and is drawn into an intergalactic conflict that eventually leads to him becoming the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Also said to be on the movie team’s roster are the characters Drax the Destroyer, Groot, Rocket Racoon and Gamora. Check back for casting details on those roles as they emerge.
Guardians of the Galaxy is set to be released on August 1, 2014.