Max Landis Developing New ‘Super Hero’ TV Show Vigilant

THR is reporting that Landis and “Homeland” writer/producer Howard Gordan have received a script order from Fox on a new TV series titled “Vigilant.” The series is described as “a ‘superhero’ origin story told through the unlikely point of view of a smart 20-year-old woman who happens to be a social outcast. After an honorable veteran detective is brutally coerced into working for the corrupt head of Internal Affairs, the detective’s daughter plans her revenge by creating a fictional vigilante persona to take on the criminal elements within the police department and the city.

Sounds like your typical run of the mill hero story, no? Landis went to Twitter not long after the announcement and quickly put that to rest.

What do you think about the announcement? 

(Photo Credit: Nikki Nelson /
