Where Will The Dark Knight Rises Film in New York?

It sounds like The Dark Knight Rises filming will end in a big way with word from On Location Vacations about some of the places that the shooting will be happening.

There's some possible spoilers in their report. We've cut those out, but in case you don't mind reading them in advance you can click on the site's link above.

One of our readers, RL, spotted No Parking signs for "MAGNUS REX" (TDKR's working title) filming on West 58th Street between 7th and 5th Ave in NYC on Friday, 10/28 for 6 AM to Midnight.

In addition to this new location info, we also heard a few rumors about the big scene they'll be filming on Wall Street. There are expected to be more than 1000 extras used in the scene… Tom Hardy and Christian Bale are both expected to be there in full costumes as Bane and Batman. Its also rumored that they will begin rehearsing for the shoot in a couple day at Riis Park.

Christopher Nolan's last Batman movie is scheduled to hit theaters on July 20, 2012.
