The New Mutants Comic-Con Panel Shares New Footage, Confirms August Release Date

It’s no secret that The New Mutants has faced some setbacks. The film was finally poised to hit theaters back in April, before the coronavirus put a damper on those plans. Regardless, the cast and crew are still eager to promote the fruits of their labor. In a virtual Comic-Con@Home panel, writer/director Josh Boone and several cast members gathered to hype the movie’s inevitable debut.

Thankfully, Boone and his cast seem to have a good sense of humor about the film’s bumpy road to release. The panel kicked off with a graphic listing each of The New Mutants’ previous dates (all of which kept getting crossed out) along with a cavalcade of online comments joking about the endless series of delays. They were also quick to point out that the current August 28 premiere is subject to change, as evidenced by the “Fingers Crossed” tag beneath the date.

RELATED: Nothing Will Stop the New Mutants In This Comic-Con@Home Teaser

In addition to Boone, the panel featured appearances by cast members Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga, Blu Hunt, and Henry Zaga. Over the course of half an hour, the stars fielded questions about the films, reviewed fan art submissions, and laughed about emojis based on their characters’ likenesses. Madison also announced a contest for fans to win limited-edition New Mutants posters. You can view these starting at the 5:07 mark in the video below.

Of course, the panel saved the best for last. In an effort to make up for one delay after another, the cast and crew unveiled The New Mutants’ opening scene. It’s a small gesture, but it should be enough to drum up anticipation for whenever the movie finally reaches the masses.

You can watch the full New Mutants Comic-Con@Home panel below, then share your thoughts in the comment section!

Recommended Reading: New Mutants Epic Collection: The Demon Bear Saga

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