Marvel’s Joe Quesada and writer Brian Michael Bendis talked about their meeting with Thor director Kenneth Branagh on Twitter and thanks to Newsarama, this is how it went…
Joe Quesada: Okay, three words describe my day today “Branagh gets it!”
Bendis: @JoeQuesada hey are we allowed to talk about what we did today or is it hush hush?
Quesada: @BRIANMBENDIS We can’t go into detail but I think we can say that we met with Branagh about Thor 😉
Bendis: @JoeQuesada so we can’t go into detail but maybe we can say that we met with Branagh about Thor 😉
Quesada: (in response to a fan) I’ll tell you what’s sweet @rdhall Sweet is when he starts quoting continuity and past storylines. The man has immersed himself in Marvel
Quesada: Yes @BRIANMBENDIS we can hint at hour super secret Thor meeting with Branagh, but don’t give it away, just hint
Thor is scheduled for a July 16, 2010 release.
Source: Newsarama