Even with just a little over three weeks to go before release, The Dark Knight viral marketing continues with a new The Ha Ha Ha Times now up.
Also, ‘ScareJoker101’ pointed us to PasqaulesBistro.com, which is the bistro from Pasquale, who was interviewed on “Gotham Tonight” episode 2.
UPDATE #1: ‘UnlikelyHero’ wrote:
These are all the circled letters in the haha times.
page 1 – Herrings are red
page 2 – Corpses are blue
page 3 – You’re on the right track
page 4 – But you don’t have the clue
There are also circled words. Why? We’re not sure yet.
UPDATE #2: Not really viral-related, but BlackFilm.com has posted a cool interview with Michael Jai White talking about playing the role of Gamble in the film.
Source: ScareJoker101, UnlikelyHero