Screenwriter Roberto Orci has made a interesting post on Don Murphy’s message board about Transformers 2 that reads:
I’d love and think we could almost barely manage ten on each side, with some front and center and others as more supporting.
Do you think we’ll really see 20 robots in the sequel? Let us know below.
Meanwhile, The Daily Pennsylvanian is reporting that filming will take place on the Penn campus, including a previously-mentioned location. Here’s a clip:
University spokeswoman Lori Doyle explained that filming would tentatively begin around June 12 with scenes using the exterior of the Quad.
According to Doyle, the extensive project is expected to involve about 200 people, 25 tractor-trailer trucks and cranes.
“They have their own landscaping people, they bring in their own catering, it’s a huge operation,” she said.
In addition, scenes will be shot at Psi Upsilon Tau fraternity house, better known as “The Castle,” and possibly on Locust Walk and Spruce Street, Doyle said.
Check out the article for more info. Transformers 2 hits theaters on June 26, 2009.
Source: Sp@wn