Warner Bros. Pictures has updated the official website for the Wachowski Brothers’ Speed Racer along with a full new international trailer for the May 9 release and 7 mini-clips. Coming to both conventional theaters and IMAX, the action pic stars Emile Hirsch, Christina Ricci, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon, Matthew Fox, Hiroyuki Sanada, Richard Roundtree, Ji Hoon Jung, Benno Furmann, Kick Gurry, Paulie Litt and Roger Allam.
You can watch and download the new trailer in the adults section and the mini-clips in the kids section at the site. We’ve included direct links to the trailer below:
QuickTime, High Definition (1080p)
QuickTime, High Definition (720p)
QuickTime, High Definition (480p)
QuickTime, Hi-Res
QuickTime, Med-Res
QuickTime, Lo-Res
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures