Scooper ‘Zach Hammel’ sent in the following with details on upcoming filming for The Incredible Hulk (includes spoilers!):
Hey, I’m from Hamilton Ontario where The Incredible Hulk is being filmed the first week of October and in today’s (Tuesday’s) Spectator (that’s the local newspaper) Jacqueling Norton, manager of the city’s film and TV office was quoted saying that “it’s certainly a big fight scene and Hulk is doing a lot of destruction…a Hummer gets thrown through the air…there’s a burning bus.” It is supposedly the biggest fight scene in the film. It is being filmed on the nights of October 4,5,9,10, and maybe 11 and 12. Just though you might want to know.
Starring Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, William Hurt, Tim Blake Nelson, Christina Cabot and Lou Ferrigno, the comic book adaptation hits theaters on June 13.
Source: Zach Hammel